
Stay in the loop

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Replaced the unique account location management with linked accounts

Allow product migration between accounts owned by the same user

Bug fixes




Add suppliers orders that are automatically calculated based on sales history

Add advanced calculations to generate intelligent order quantities

Add different warnings for products availability and on-hand levels

Changed the on-hand text color depending on the stock level and urgency to place an order




UX/UI improvements

Add recipe cloning functionality




Introduced dark theme

Change some buttons for icons

Modify batch recipes to allow them to be saved with liquid units (reported by Damien)

Update report calculations for batch recipes

Performance improvements in calculations




Show cost and cost total in the batch recipe form

Add note field to the sales (request by Krystel)

Show product ID on the recipe form inputs

Fixes to the API imports

Add product variation history

Update the report to handle the historical prices of the product variation




Add warning to the PAR report when the on-hand value is negative



In the report “detailed sales” view, display all recipes which use the product Fixes RAP-632

Replace “missing” by “variance” in the report Fixes RAP-631

Autofill location in purchase modal when the user has only one parent location Fixes RAP-630



Remove create recipe and batch recipe buttons from the product page

Updated french translation

Add a warning and icon if a product has no variation Fixes RAP-621

Refresh recipe in the recipe list after update Fixes RAP-615

In reports, show negative values in red Fixes RAP-385

Autofill location in purchase modal when the user has only one Fixes RAP-630

Put the report expanded row content on 3 columns Fixes RAP-626



Intégration Cluster POS



Switch Team – Gérez plusieurs commerces avec un seul accès

Amélioartions au UI

Plus de flexibilité au niveaux des unités (formats, recettes, rapport etc.)

Intégration touch go POS




Sommaire du rapport – Visualisez les totaux en un coup d’oeil

Valeur négatives affichées en rouge – visualisez rapidement les produit qui ont besoin d’attention

Ajouts de nouveaux avertissements pour faciliter l’identification des éléments à corriger






Fixes a bug with the count display



Added dark theme
Removed logic for the parent location – multi location are now managed with different accounts
Added orders receiving
Disabled weight mode for count only products
Updated translations
Bug fixes


Nouveau clavier avec opérateurs (+ – / x)

Support pour les nouvelles unités

Support pour les recettes de préparation

About the author

Fabrice Tremblay

Fabrice founded RapidStock in 2017 after working as a production planner for almost two decades. Briefly a bar owner and tech lover, he was inspired by the challenge of helping passionate entrepreneurs in the bars and restaurants industry.
When not working on RapidStock, Fabrice enjoys cooking and spending time outdoors with friends an family.

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